Congratulations to John Hibbs on his election to Vice President of the CLMA and Secretary/Treasurer of GPLI

28th February 2023

Contamac’s VP of Commercial US Sales was recently elected as Vice President of the Contact Lens Manufacturer’s Association (CLMA) and Secretary/Treasurer of the Gas Permeable Lens Institute (GPLI).  The CLMA is an industry association that aims to increase awareness and utilization of custom manufactured contact lenses. One such venture...

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Lizzie Hoare – HR Administrator

28th February 2023

Please describe your role at Contamac: I work as an HR Administrator, organising and maintaining personnel records, including preparing HR documents. My role is to help throughout the recruitment process, from filtering potential candidates, and arranging interviews, to starting the onboarding of new starter processes and other daily HR...

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Using a Customized Soft Lens

28th February 2023

Introduction The vast majority of the lenses we fit in contact lens practice are soft lenses. The amount of attention that goes into ‘fitting’ soft lenses is limited in contrast to the focus on scleral lens fitting, corneal lens fitting, and orthokeratology, for instance. This case shows how taking...

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The Soft Lens Dropout Patient – Part 2

30th November 2022

For those readers who may not have read the first part of this article here’s a brief recap: I have been describing the case of a typical soft lens dropout patient, Natasha, who works in the office and kindly agreed to participate in our investigation. She would dearly like...

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The Changing Face of Contact Lens Fitting

30th November 2022

In the October 2022 edition of Contact Lens Spectrum, Ed Bennett’s report on the GP and Custom Soft Annual Report 2022 provided a comprehensive insight into the prescribing habits of top US practitioners. Scanning the list of subscribers, they are mainly Key Opinion Leaders and researchers, so this may not necessarily...

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Valley Contax Cornea and Contact Lens Residency Summit 2022

30th November 2022

The 9th Valley Contax Cornea and Contact Lens Residency Summit, co-sponsored by Contamac US, and held this year at the beautiful Oregon Coast, was a tremendous success. A decade ago, the leadership of Valley Contax decided that putting on a weekend at the end of the residency year would be an...

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Class 2022 – See you in Cartagena

17th August 2022

It is with great anticipation that this year’s Class Symposium will take place in Cartagena, Colombia on November 3rd, 4th and 5th. After the COVID hiatus, it will be a welcome return to in-person meetings with colleagues, old and new, and to learn from the experts in the field. Cartagena is a...

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Martyn Lewis – Business Development & Project Manager

17th August 2022

Please describe your role at Contamac: I look after contact lens customers in North Western Europe, the East Coast of the USA and East Asia. This gives me great insight into how different markets are developing globally. I have been at Contamac a long time, and have seen many...

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The Soft Lens Dropout Patient – Part 1

17th August 2022

Could a “Soft Lens Dropout” be a potential patient for the Speciality Lens Practitioner? Patient dropout and the reasons for it have long since been a subject of discussion within both the contact lens industry and profession. Speciality lens manufacturers normally supply lenses for patients who are perhaps more...

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Acanthamoeba Keratitis and the Holiday Season

23rd May 2022

Acanthamoeba Keratitis is, thankfully, an extremely rare infection that, in the developed world, is predominantly found in contact lens wearers¹. Symptoms include: Eye pain and sensitivity to light that may seem disproportionate to that of a “normal” eye infection Eye redness Blurred vision Sensation of something in the eye...

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