Slit Lamp Series – Oblate Cornea

02nd April 2024

In the second instalment of the Slit Lamp Leries, Martin Conway looks at Oblate Cornea. You can read the previous article which examined Demodex Mites here. This month’s image from Marco Tovaglia won the BCLA Diane Gould Photo Contest in 2021. It very clearly illustrates the flattening of the...

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Slit Lamp Series – Demodex Mites

03rd November 2023

First Prize GSLS Photo Competition Contamac is pleased to welcome Marco Tovaglia as a guest contributor to Global Insight. Marco is a respected author and speaker at International Speciality Contact Lens conferences and as a professional advisor in Italy and is currently Professional Services Manager for TSLAC in Italy. Marco has...

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The Soft Lens Dropout Patient – Part 2

30th November 2022

For those readers who may not have read the first part of this article here’s a brief recap: I have been describing the case of a typical soft lens dropout patient, Natasha, who works in the office and kindly agreed to participate in our investigation. She would dearly like...

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The Changing Face of Contact Lens Fitting

30th November 2022

In the October 2022 edition of Contact Lens Spectrum, Ed Bennett’s report on the GP and Custom Soft Annual Report 2022 provided a comprehensive insight into the prescribing habits of top US practitioners. Scanning the list of subscribers, they are mainly Key Opinion Leaders and researchers, so this may not necessarily...

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Class 2022 – See you in Cartagena

17th August 2022

It is with great anticipation that this year’s Class Symposium will take place in Cartagena, Colombia on November 3rd, 4th and 5th. After the COVID hiatus, it will be a welcome return to in-person meetings with colleagues, old and new, and to learn from the experts in the field. Cartagena is a...

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Class 2022 – Nos vemos en Cartagena!

17th August 2022

Es con gran expectativa que Class Symposium de este año se llevará a cabo en Cartagena, Colombia, los días 3, 4 y 5 de noviembre. Después de la pausa de COVID, será un bienvenido regreso a las reuniones en persona con colegas, antiguos y nuevos, y para aprender de...

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The Soft Lens Dropout Patient – Part 1

17th August 2022

Could a “Soft Lens Dropout” be a potential patient for the Speciality Lens Practitioner? Patient dropout and the reasons for it have long since been a subject of discussion within both the contact lens industry and profession. Speciality lens manufacturers normally supply lenses for patients who are perhaps more...

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Acanthamoeba Keratitis and the Holiday Season

23rd May 2022

Acanthamoeba Keratitis is, thankfully, an extremely rare infection that, in the developed world, is predominantly found in contact lens wearers¹. Symptoms include: Eye pain and sensitivity to light that may seem disproportionate to that of a “normal” eye infection Eye redness Blurred vision Sensation of something in the eye...

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Wishing Philipp Polonyi, Contamac’s Chief Commercial Officer, Success in Future Endeavours

16th March 2022

Philipp and I joined Contamac on the same day over 11 years ago. He was new to the industry, and I had been recruited to head up professional services in the UK and Europe.  The time has come for Philipp to move on in his career, but before he...

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Protected: Taking Back Control of Myopia Management

30th September 2021

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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