With advancements in the science of contact lens practice, management, and manufacturing, it has become increasingly uncommon for the average practitioner to encounter some of the complications associated with contact lens wear.

This booklet serves as a quick desktop reference for practitioners who may face unusual signs or symptoms in their clinical practice. It is not intended to replace a comprehensive textbook but rather to offer a concise, practical guide.

The content has been adapted from Dr Dirk Booysen’s excellent textbook, “In Contact – Clinical Contact Lens Practice”. Most of the images are sourced from Dr Booysen’s publication, while others have been kindly contributed by colleagues from the global contact lens community.

In Contact - Clinical Contact Lens Practice

This book represents some of the knowledge I have gained through many years of clinical contact lens practice. Since my pre-graduate training in the early 1980s, the field of contact lens practice has shown tremendous and exciting growth, making it impossible to include all that has been learnt in a text book such as this.

In writing this book, I have leaned heavily on the shoulders of giants who are responsible for the clinical research that this book is based on. Although this book has been written with my pre-graduate students in mind, even the expert contact lens practitioner will find something of interest or at the very least, refresh their knowledge of current contact lens practice.

Dr Dirk J Booysen


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