Кастомизированые Окл Для Коррекции Миопии И Смешанного Астигматизма

17th April 2024

Гульнара Андриенко​ Введение Пациенты с высоким односторонним астигматизмом без патологии роговицы встречаются нередко. Многие из них не пользуются оптической коррекцией из-за зрительного дискомфорта, а иногда и вовсе случайно узнают о существующей проблеме при проверке зрения. Мы неоднократно предпринимали попытки корректировать зрение при наличии высокой степени астигматизма на одном глазу...

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The Other Side of Myopia: A Wicked Health Problem

31st August 2023

Over the years, we have come to know a lot more about myopia, its aetiology and the sight-threatening conditions high myopia is associated with. Research has shown multiple effective treatment programs, visual environmental interventions, and optical and pharmacological treatments to prevent the progression of myopia, all of which aim...

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Вернуть Контроль над Управлением Миопии

17th July 2023

Мартин Конвей В последнее время я много занимался детализацией разработок в области склеральных линз и, одновременно, необходимостью образовательных ресурсов для поддержания их более широкого использования. Я полагаю, что удовлетворение, которое получает специалист, наблюдая улучшение комфорта, остроты зрения и качества жизни пациента, который подчас годами мучился с другими методами коррекции,...

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The Changing Face of Contact Lens Fitting

30th November 2022

In the October 2022 edition of Contact Lens Spectrum, Ed Bennett’s report on the GP and Custom Soft Annual Report 2022 provided a comprehensive insight into the prescribing habits of top US practitioners. Scanning the list of subscribers, they are mainly Key Opinion Leaders and researchers, so this may not necessarily...

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The Soft Lens Dropout Patient – Part 1

17th August 2022

Could a “Soft Lens Dropout” be a potential patient for the Speciality Lens Practitioner? Patient dropout and the reasons for it have long since been a subject of discussion within both the contact lens industry and profession. Speciality lens manufacturers normally supply lenses for patients who are perhaps more...

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Comfortable Customizing

23rd March 2022

Never a dull moment in our industry. Although this past period will surely be remembered as ‘the COVID era’, there are so many new and exciting developments going on that maybe in the future, all of these technological advances may outweigh the negative vibes of COVID for our industry....

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Protected: Taking Back Control of Myopia Management

30th September 2021

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The Hard Facts on GP Contact Lens Care

29th July 2021

The “Contacts with Conway” series of YouTube videos have been surprisingly well-received by both industry and the public. So much so in fact, that we regularly receive requests to explain or expand upon particular topics and, where possible, we use this feedback when deciding future episodes. One such request...

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Protected: The Evolution of Orthokeratology Lens Fitting

08th February 2021

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Protected: Power profiles of Peripheral Additions using topographers with Soft Contact Lenses in Myopia Control

30th September 2019

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