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Contamac has produced this list of contact lens care solutions that are compatible with the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating on lenses made in the Optimum GP materials.
We advocate following the instructions indicated with each of the care solutions, including, where stated, rubbing and rinsing the lenses where appropriate.
You should never rub the lenses with a dry tissue or cloth. These are often very abrasive at a surface level and can damage the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating.
Lenses should not be stored dry, but always in a contact lens care solution, according to the instructions on the packaging of that solution.

Contamac has produced this list of contact lens care solutions that are compatible with the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating on lenses made in the Optimum GP materials.
We advocate following the instructions indicated with each of the care solutions, including, where stated, rubbing and rinsing the lenses where appropriate.
You should never rub the lenses with a dry tissue or cloth. These are often very abrasive at a surface level and can damage the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating.
Lenses should not be stored dry, but always in a contact lens care solution, according to the instructions on the packaging of that solution.

Contamac has produced this list of contact lens care solutions that are compatible with the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating on lenses made in the Optimum GP materials.
We advocate following the instructions indicated with each of the care solutions, including, where stated, rubbing and rinsing the lenses where appropriate.
You should never rub the lenses with a dry tissue or cloth. These are often very abrasive at a surface level and can damage the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating.
Lenses should not be stored dry, but always in a contact lens care solution, according to the instructions on the packaging of that solution.

Contamac has produced this list of contact lens care solutions that are compatible with the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating on lenses made in the Optimum GP materials.
We advocate following the instructions indicated with each of the care solutions, including, where stated, rubbing and rinsing the lenses where appropriate.
You should never rub the lenses with a dry tissue or cloth. These are often very abrasive at a surface level and can damage the Tangible Hydra-PEG® coating.
Lenses should not be stored dry, but always in a contact lens care solution, according to the instructions on the packaging of that solution.

Contamac confirme que la liste de produits ci-dessous est compatible avec le traitement de surface Tangible Hydra-PEG® sur les lentilles rigides en Optimum.
Nous soulignons qu’il faut toujours suivre les instructions de l’emballage du produit d’entretien, incluant, le cas écheant de frotter et rincer les lentilles.
Il ne faut jamais frotter les lentilles avec un tissu sec. Ceux-ci peuvent souvent montrer une surface abrasive et endommager le traitement Tangible Hydra-PEG®.
Il ne faut jamais stocker vos lentilles à sec mais dans un produit d’entretien pour lentilles tout en suivant les instructions sur l’emballage.

Contamac confirme que la liste de produits ci-dessous est compatible avec le traitement de surface Tangible Hydra-PEG® sur les lentilles rigides en Optimum.
Nous soulignons qu’il faut toujours suivre les instructions de l’emballage du produit d’entretien, incluant, le cas écheant de frotter et rincer les lentilles.
Il ne faut jamais frotter les lentilles avec un tissu sec. Ceux-ci peuvent souvent montrer une surface abrasive et endommager le traitement Tangible Hydra-PEG®.
Il ne faut jamais stocker vos lentilles à sec mais dans un produit d’entretien pour lentilles tout en suivant les instructions sur l’emballage.

Contamac hat die untenstehende Liste von erprobten Pflegemitteln zusammengestellt, die mit der Tangible Hydra-PEG® Beschichtung auf formstabilen Kontaktlinsen aus Optimum Materialien kompatibel sind.
Wir empfehlen, den Anweisungen bzgl. Reiben und ggf. Abspülen, welche auf der Verpackung der jeweiligen Pflegemitteln stehen, genau zu befolgen.
Sie sollen Ihre Linsen nie mit einem trockenen Tuch abwischen. Diese sind oft auf mikroskopischer Ebene abrasiv und können die Tangible Hydra-PEG® Beschichtung beschädigen.
Sie sollen Ihre Linsen nie trocken aufbewahren, sondern nach Anleitungen in einer geeigneten Aufbewahrungslösung lagern.

Contamac ha prodotto l’elenco di soluzioni di cura delle lenti a contatto compatibili con il rivestimento Tangible Hydra-PEG® sulle lenti realizzate nei materiali Optimum GP.
Noi sosteniamo seguendo le istruzioni indicate con ciascuna delle soluzioni di cura, compresi, se del caso, strofinando e sciacquando le lenti ove necessario.
Non si deve mai strofinare le lenti con un tessuto secco o un panno. Questi sono spesso molto abrasivi a livello di superficie e possono danneggiare il rivestimento Tangible Hydra-PEG®.
Le lenti non devono essere conservate asciutte, ma sempre in una soluzione di cura delle lenti a contatto, secondo le istruzioni sull’imballaggio di tale soluzione.