Tackling a 10-mm Pupil with Post-LASIK Glare

30th May 2024

I have no idea what LASIK (laser eye surgery) surgeons are thinking when they perform surgery on engineers with large pupils, let alone engineers with 10-mm pupils when dark adapted (Figure 1). Figure 1. 10-mm dark adapted pupil. Such an engineer sought out our office for a scleral fitting...

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Смачиваемость газопроницаемых контактных линз

01st May 2024

Мартин Конвей & Марк Эдлстон Жесткие газопроницаемые линзы (ГПЛ)  обеспечивают высокую остроту зрения и долговечны в эксплуатации. Также они признаны самым безопасным типом контактных линз [1].  Однако поддержание достаточного уровня смачиваемости поверхности ГПЛ может представлять определенные трудности вследствие гидрофобных свойств некоторых мономеров, используемых для обеспечения кислородной проницаемости. В данной...

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Slit Lamp Series – Oblate Cornea

02nd April 2024

In the second instalment of the Slit Lamp Leries, Martin Conway looks at Oblate Cornea. You can read the previous article which examined Demodex Mites here. This month’s image from Marco Tovaglia won the BCLA Diane Gould Photo Contest in 2021. It very clearly illustrates the flattening of the...

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Avoiding a Corneal Transplant in a Young Patient

23rd June 2023

Background Corneal opacity is the fifth leading cause of blindness worldwide¹. A common cause of corneal opacity is infectious keratitis. In developed countries, contact lenses are the leading cause of infectious keratitis while in developing countries it is from corneal trauma during agriculture work¹. The most common organism responsible...

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The Changing Face of Contact Lens Fitting

30th November 2022

In the October 2022 edition of Contact Lens Spectrum, Ed Bennett’s report on the GP and Custom Soft Annual Report 2022 provided a comprehensive insight into the prescribing habits of top US practitioners. Scanning the list of subscribers, they are mainly Key Opinion Leaders and researchers, so this may not necessarily...

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The Hard Facts on GP Contact Lens Care

29th July 2021

The “Contacts with Conway” series of YouTube videos have been surprisingly well-received by both industry and the public. So much so in fact, that we regularly receive requests to explain or expand upon particular topics and, where possible, we use this feedback when deciding future episodes. One such request...

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Haunted by Ghosting: HOA Correction in Keratoconus

25th March 2021

Scleral lenses have an astounding ability to provide patients with the gift of sight, often allowing them to regain their lives. With keratoconus (KCN) being the most common indication for scleral lenses, patients often experience a significant improvement in visual function with wear.1 It is well-understood that, by providing...

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Keratoconus and Scleral Lenses

04th August 2020

Patient History A 34-year-old Hispanic female was referred to us by an ophthalmology clinic for a contact lens evaluation. JS was diagnosed with keratoconus when she was 22 years old and claims that the vision worsened each year. She tried multiple pairs of glasses, and then she was finally...

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A Fisherman’s Tale – New hyper Dk material eliminates episodes of microcystic edema

31st July 2019

Penetrating keratoplasty in patients with keratoconus may provide good long‐term visual rehabilitation. There is a relatively low rate of graft failure in this cohort of patients. Graft rejection has been reported to be 5.8–41% with most rejections occurring in the first 2 years. [1-5]. Irregular and high astigmatism may be common...

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Introducing a new addition to the Optimum family of materials

01st February 2019

The Optimum range of materials has become established as one of the most popular RGP materials on the market. Recent years have seen remarkable growth in the usage of both ortho-k and scleral lens usage and, in response to this Contamac have developed Optimum Infinite, a hyper-Dk material which cuts...

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